Home Events - ADR Institute of Alberta November 2024 Learner Session- Where do Our Thoughts Come From?

November 2024 Learner Session- Where do Our Thoughts Come From?


Free for ADRIA members only

Course Description:

The Human Mind: We are fish swimming in our thoughts

An old wise fish passed two young fish swimming along. The old wise fish said, “the water’s nice today, eh, boys?” After a while, the young fish looked at the other young fish and said, “what’s water?”

A fish swims underwater and because that’s so normal for the fish, it doesn’t even notice the water. Water is the natural environment for the fish and so the fish doesn’t even notice that it’s swimming under water.

Our thoughts are like the water is to a fish. We believe our thoughts are who we are. We believe our thoughts are part of us. That’s simply not true!

Most people (and when I say ‘most’, I mean 95% of us) live in our minds. We have this constant running dialogue with ourselves inside our heads. We believe we are our thoughts, and our thoughts are who we really are.

Our thoughts do not define us. We are not our thoughts! But … If not my thoughts, then who am I?

So, how do we bring awareness to the water we are swimming in?

Join Erika Deines on November 6th and find out about a technique to break free from an unresourceful thinking habit, negative filtering, emotional reasoning, catastrophizing, or our internal critic.

Course Details:

You will receive an email with login details the morning of the session date. Contact education@adralberta.com to request details no later than 2:00pm the day of the session if you do not receive this information.

You must be a member of ADRIA and logged into your account to register.

Nov 06 2024
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


A link to this event will be sent to your email CA
  • Instructor(s): Erika Deines
  • The Fine Print:

    If you register without an active membership, you will not be sent the link to attend the session. If you have questions about membership, please email membership@adralberta.com