To accomplish the ADRIA Mission of providing leadership and services in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to our members and to the public, the ADRIA staff endeavor to:
- Foster understanding of, and excellence in interest-based communications, negotiation, adjudication, mediation, arbitration, med/arb and restorative practices
- Support the viable practice of ADR in Alberta
- Provide excellence in ADR professional development
- Promote the ethical use of ADR processes
- Maintain accreditation standards, accountability, and designations for the ADR profession
- Encourage those practising ADR to join our organization
- Connect Albertans with ADR resources and expertise
- Sustain ADRIA’s commitment to diversity, inclusion and reconciliation
ADRIA is supported by a dedicated team of part-time staff led by our Executive Director.
To deliver our quality training and professional development programs, we also rely on a roster of experienced instructors and coaches.
ADRIA has a dedicated team of part-time staff. Calls and emails are generally returned within 2 business days.
To help us best serve you, best contact times are weekdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Acting Executive Director / Program Director
Arifa Virani – (780) 433-4881 ext. 111
Membership Services & Executive Assistant
Britt Dorland – (780) 433-4881 ext. 110
Education Program Director
Jillian Young – (780) 433-4881 ext. 116
Karen Sommerfeld – (780) 433-4881 ext. 113
CAMVAP Provincial Administrator
Brenda Davidson – (780) 433-4881 ext. 114
ARCANA (AB) Construction Adjudication
Paul Conway (780) 245-4042 (text or call)