Home Events - ADR Institute of Alberta ADRIC – RICS Canada Adjudicator Training Program

ADRIC – RICS Canada Adjudicator Training Program

Module 1: Introduction to Adjudication Program

Tuesday September 19 2023 (09:00 – 17:00 ET)

A one day overview of how adjudication works and how to get the best out of it

Price: $299 + taxes

Module 2: Adjudication Advocate Training Program

Wednesday, October 4 & Thursday, October 5 2023 (09:00 – 15:00 ET)

This course will be presented online.

Registered participants will be sent an email with the Microsoft Team’s link the Monday before the course. Please be sure to check your Spam as the emails are often pushed there as “unrecognized email”.

Advising and representing parties in adjudications
This intense two-day program is designed for prospective adjudication party representatives, and advocates, and legal and built environment professionals for whom a more detailed understanding of construction adjudication will be beneficial for their work in advising clients.

Modules 2 & 3 are required training for anyone interested in applying to become a member of an adjudication roster.

Price: $995 + taxes

* If you are taking Module 2 and 3 you can take both for a reduced price of $3,500.

Module 3

Tuesday, October 17 – Wednesday, November 22 2023

This course will be presented online.
Limited spaces – Register early.

Registered participants will be sent an email with the Microsoft Team’s link the Monday before the course. Please be sure to check your Spam as the emails are often pushed there as “unrecognized email”.


  • ADRIC-RICS Module 1: Introduction to Adjudication (recommended)
  • ADRIC-RICS Module 2: Adjudication Advocate Training (mandatory)

A comprehensive 28 hour training program, following the ADRIC-RICS Adjudication Advocate course.

This course is broken into units and is delivered over four weeks to allow time for study and preparation between sessions. Please note candidates should factor in that there will be additional study and assessment preparation to be undertaken during this period.

This module covers  the remaining knowledge and competencies you need to practice as a construction adjudicator, with specific focus on applicable common and statutory law, adjudication practice, managing the adjudication process and decision writing.

Assessment:  This module is subject to formal assessment in the form of a written examination, an online assessment and a practical adjudication decision writing exercise.

Unit 1
Session 1:  October 17 2023
Session 2:  October 18 2023
Session 3:  October 23 2023 – 9 am – 10.30am ET (Assessment/written exam)

Unit 2
Session 1:  October 26 2023
Session 2:  October 30 2023  (Online assessment))

Unit 3
Session 1:  November 1 2023
Session 2:  November 7 2023
Session 3:  November 9 2023

November 15, 2023: Part A documents distributed for preparation of assessment

Session 4:  November 22 2023 -9  am – 1pm ET (Assessment/written exam)

Price: $2595 + taxes

Modules 2 & 3 are required training for anyone interested in applying to become a member of an adjudication roster.

* If you are taking Module 2 and 3 you can take both for a reduced price of $3,500.

Note: The training you will receive has been designed by RICS/ADRIC based upon the combined experience of these organizations respecting construction adjudication.  ADRIC/RICS are confident that, following the successful completion of the three module program, a candidate will be well trained in the basic principles of construction adjudication and eligible to apply for a Q.Adj (Const)) designation from ADRIC (subject to completing the ADRIC designation process).

A candidate must note, however, that this training does not guarantee an appointment to the roster of any nominating authority in any jurisdiction.  Appointment to a Canadian federal or provincial roster of adjudicators remains subject to the relevant legislative frameworks many of which are not yet enacted in whole or in part.  Moreover, it is the nominating authority in each jurisdiction which is vested, under the legislation, with the power to appoint adjudicators in those jurisdictions. For example, ADRIC’s Quebec Affiliate, L’Institut de mediation et d’arbitrage du Quebec, is the current nominating authority in that province. Similarly, ADRIC’s Saskatchewan Affiliate, ADRSK, shares responsibilities with the Saskatchewan Construction Association for the operation of the Saskatchewan Construction Dispute Resolution Office (SCDRO), the nominating authority in that province. ADRIC/RICS and ADRIC’S Alberta Affiliate, ADRIA (operating in partnership as “ARCANA(AB)”) has recently been appointed as a Nominating Authority in Alberta. Further information can be found at:  https://adric.ca/construction-adjudication.

Candidates for any roster established by ADRIC/RICS will be required to complete an application and undertake an ADRIC/RICS interview process (for which there will be an additional fee) and complete the RICS Professional Ethics module.  Ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) is also required to maintain the Q.Adj (Const) designation and roster qualification.

Sep 19 2023 - Nov 15 2023
9:00 am - 6:00 pm