Anna Rose
Services Offered
Location Availability
Sectors of Practice
Anna is interested in facilitating difficult conversations between people in
dispute. Anna has many years of working with
indigenous peoples, farmers, landowners and
Industry when there is concerns and differing
opinions about new and existing oil and gas
development, while helping everyone find solutions
that both parties can live with.
During the past 18 years Anna successfully facilitated
hundreds of mediations in Alberta in regards to all industry activities (pipelines,
wells, facilities, utilities) that include concerns regarding reclamation, waste,
environmental issues including water, odour, weeds, roads, visual impacts and
compensation. Anna worked the Alberta Energy Regulator and Energy
Resources Conservation Board for 38 years and has been a mediator for the
Alberta Courts for 20 years.
Anna has over 38 years in the energy industry in a variety of technical, facility
compliance auditing, hearings, advisory, leadership, indigenous engagement.
Anna also enjoys teaching Alternative dispute resolution, coaching, presenting
at conferences and workshops. Anna assisted AER hearing commissioners to
develop their ADR program and attended as a co-mediator.
She is most proud of her work where she initiated and led the Voices of
Understanding document for the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to continue
with the journey to improve communication and understanding indigenous
peoples and to improve the mediation program. Anna was presented with a
first Nations name Estegaan which means helper. Anna also initiated the AER
Manual 004 Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Guidelines for Energy
Industry disputes and provided input into all ADR process’s for the AER, ERCB
and EUB.
Anna is passionate about mediation and works as a mediator for the Provincial
Court of Alberta. Anna has also volunteered and been on the Calgary
Community mediation board and Peer mediation skills training that teach kids
how to mediate. She has also coached for the MRU mediation program.
ADR Training & Qualifications
C.Med. Q. Arb
Other Professional Qualifications
38 years of technical experience in the Energy Sector