ADRIA is now delivering Prompt Payment Construction Adjudication Services!
Type of Position
Application Deadline
Construction Adjudication services in Alberta are now regulated under the Province’s Prompt Payment Construction Lien Act (PPCLA). Effective August 28th, 2022, all construction payment disputes are subject to the regulated adjudication process, and all construction adjudicators offering services under the PPCLA must be certified by a Nominating Authority (NA) appointed by the Minister Service Alberta. Visit for more details and a link to the legislation.
Effective March 7th, 2023, ADRIA and its partners (collectively operating as ARCANA (AB)) have been granted ongoing Ministerial authority to provide NA services in Alberta for the provision of construction adjudication services. In fact, ARCANA (AB) is the only NA with delegated authority in the province, and expects to be formally appointed in the weeks ahead. ARCANA (AB) represents a collaborative partnership between ADRIA, ADR Canada (ADRIC) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and over a dozen roster applicants completed 40+ hours of construction adjudication training in 2022. Another training session is planned for this Spring – see the details below.
ADRIA will soon post supporting website materials and a roster of qualified adjudicators, and has already begun accepting contract payment disputes and appointing adjudicators. ARCANA (AB) is working closely with the construction industry representatives to ensure that its NA services meet the sector’s needs, and will form a standing Advisory Council to enhance services over time. Visit the ADRIA website for updates and roster opportunities in this sector, and to register for the April 20th Prompt Payment Construction Adjudication Symposium in Calgary or live stream.