Contract disputes take up time and money for everyone involved. Adding a Dispute Resolution clause to your contracts is the best way to protect against litigation costs.
There are many ADR processes that can be used to resolve a disagreement quickly and fairly, including mediation and arbitration.
Making ADRIA’s Select and Appoint process a recommended or mandatory method of selecting a dispute resolution process and professional is an effective way to save time and money in the event a contract is in dispute.
Sample Dispute Resolution Clause:
In the event that a dispute or misunderstanding should occur between the parties regarding this contract or either party’s contractual obligations, it is agreed that the ADR Institute of Alberta’s (ADRIA) Select and Appoint process will be used to choose and hire an ADR professional to facilitate a dispute resolution process, should direct negotiations fail.
The ADR Institute of Canada also offers National Arbitration Rules and National Mediation Rules, including a sample contract clause, to help establish clear rules for effective dispute resolution processes.
Part of a Non-Profit?
Read about adding a Dispute Resolution clause to your non-profit organization’s by-laws.