Webinar Recording: Introducing a Contemplative Practice into your Practice
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Imagine what the world could look like if we had more awareness or were more skillful in providing constructive feedback to each other!
Jules utilizes “Active Engagement” (the art of active noticing and mindfulness) as a principled way to help teams, clients and consultants, families and loved ones have honest and safe conversations with each other. He promotes self reflection and being more aware of our own behaviors and actions to see if they are in alignment with our espoused values. Are they in sync?
Perfect lessons and reminders as we re-emerge into a new world post Covid world.

Jules LeBoeuf is a registered forestry practitioner with the College of Alberta Professional Forest Technologist with 35 years of experience in natural resource management. A career ranging from working in the field as a forest officer to senior manager in Wildfire Management has reinforced the importance of dialogue in building trustworthy relationships on the landscape or in the corporate boardroom. His insight into natural resource management and human factors has enabled him to help teams solve substantive problems more effectively through reflective dialogue practices. As a neutral third party facilitator he assists a broad range of individuals and teams based on the core principles of transparency, supporting free informed choice, creating safe places to talk together and taking time to build shared understanding with intent to take action.
He has completed a 2-year certification practicum for facilitators and trainers in the art and science of the practice of Active Engagement hosted by The Centre for Contemplative Dialogue located in Georgetown, IN, USA. He is an active faculty member and trainer/facilitator on workshops and practicums sponsored by the Center for Contemplative Dialogue and currently working as a senior manager with the Government of Alberta, department of Environment and Parks.
This recording is from our December 14, 2021 ADR Webinar: